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Pocket Pad

Pocket Pad enables a waiter to take table orders on the go throughout the restaurant using a mobile device.

Pocket Pad is available on both Apple iOS devices as well as Android devices. Pocket Pad supersedes the Ideal Handheld app

All features that were available in Ideal Handheld v4 are also available in Pocket Pad, along with the addition of many new features.


You will need to be running Idealpos 7.1 Build 5 or above to use Pocket Pad.

It should also be noted that the Idealpos build number required is subject to change once the Pocket Pad Payment Integration functionality is released.



The requirements for using Pocket Pad are as follows:


Pocket Pad will typically display the same POS Screen Layout/Tabs as the POS Terminals, however, if required, Idealpos can be configured to send a specific POS Screen Layout to Pocket Pad.

A specific layout for Pocket Pad can be set by going to: Setup > Global Options > Miscellaneous > Ideal Handheld > Enter POS Screen Layout Code into the POS Screen Layout field.

The POS Screen Layout Code for each POS Screen Layout can be identified by going to Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup > Code column.




Handheld Options V4

Tablet Device Screens

Smartphone Device Screens

Using Pocket Pad